Aloha from Hawai’i Island. Jill and I have been busy with our teaching schedule and working on our land when we can.
I hope you can join me for my upcoming appearance on Coast to Coast AM with George Noury on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 from 11pm to 2am Pacific Time, where among other things, we will be discussing my new book The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman. If you are unable to join us for the live broadcast, you can listen to it after the air date on the Coast to Coast AM website.
The Bowl of Light
In 1996, a momentous trail crossing occurred in Hawai’i between Jill and myself, and the Hawaiian elder and kahuna Hale Makua (pronounced Ha-lay Ma-koo-ah). A friendship took root and over the next eight years, our philosophical discussions about the nature of the self and the nature of reality took Jill and me into uncharted spiritual territory.
With The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman (Sounds True, May 2011), you will get a rare glimpse into the heart of the kahuna tradition as I unveil the teachings passed down to me from Makua, as he was known. Before his untimely passing in 2004, this revered shaman and wisdom keeper granted me permission to share sacred spiritual knowledge seldom imparted to outsiders, including:
- The kahuna perspective that each one of us possesses not one, but three quite separate souls during life, and how those three function.
- The nature of our immortal Oversoul or Higher Self that he called ‘Aumakua.
- Different levels of reality and how they reflect our personal soul development.
- The four bowls of learning from which we all must drink during our time here on Earth.
- The Ancestral Grand Plan—exploring the path our ancestors set in motion millennia ago and how the Plan is playing out across the world today.
- Basic principles that allow us to experience the power of “aloha,” of love.
- Guidelines for the next cycle of ages that will lead us toward the evolution of a new level of consciousness that is our individual and collective destiny.
“It’s not the year 2012 that is important. It’s 2013,” said Hale Makua to a group of students in 2002, as recounted in the book, “For this is when we will begin the next cycle of ages. This means that we have to create a new foundation for the next cycle, and what we decide to build on will determine the spiritual focus as well as our lifeways for much of the next several thousand years.”
“We have some hard decisions to make, and we have to make them now,” Makua laughed softly. “We are now in the position to create a new world for our descendants, and especially for the next seven generations. This will require a massive shift out of the negative and into the positive polarity, and at all levels of our lives.”
More About Hank and Makua
Hank Wesselman, PhD, (pictured here left of Hale Makua) is a paleoanthropologist and cutting-edge scientist who walks in many worlds. He did his undergraduate work and his Masters Degree in Zoology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He then served in the US Peace Corps, living among people of the Yoruba Tribe in Nigeria where he first became interested in indigenous spiritual traditions. He then went on to receive his doctoral degree in Anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley. For much of the past 40 years, he has conducted research with an international group of scientists, exploring eastern Africa’s Great Rift Valley in search of answers to the mystery of human origins. His fieldwork has allowed him to spend much of his life living with tribal peoples rarely, if ever, visited by outsiders, among whom he first encountered traditional shamans.
Dr. Wesselman is also a shamanic practitioner and teacher, now in the 29th year of his apprenticeship. The books in his autobiographical trilogy—Spiritwalker, Medicinemaker, and Visionseeker—have been published in 13 languages and reveal the nature of his initiation into the shaman’s world of mystery and magic, documenting his investigations into a hidden reality that most of us have heard about, but few have experienced directly. Hank is also the author of The Journey to the Sacred Garden—book with CD; Spirit Medicine (with Jill Kuykendall)—book with CD; The Spiritwalker Teachings (with Jill Kuykendall)—a six CD set with booklet; and Little Ruth Reddingford and the Wolf (with Raquel Abreu)—a story for children.
Hale Makua
Hale Makua was a holy man, a kahuna mystic, and a wisdom keeper who was highly regarded throughout the oceanic world of Polynesia and beyond. Through his mother’s lineage, he was a seventh-generation direct descendant of the famous high chief and king Kamehameha Nui—a family line through which he was also a direct descendant of Kamehameha’s ancestors High Chief Umi and High Chief Liloa. Through his father’s lineage, he was a seventh-generation direct descendant of Kamehameha’s cousin, the beloved High Chief Keoua Ku‘ahu‘ula of the district of Ka‘u, also on Hawai‘i Island. He served with the United States Marine Corps and eventually achieved the rank of gunnery sergeant. Makua was a warrior directly involved in major military conflicts from Beirut in the 1950s to the Vietnam War in the 1970s, where he was severely wounded during his last tour of duty. As an indigenous elder, he was continually invited to many cross-cultural gatherings and international conferences across the years, including the United Nations in New York, where he sat on stage with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Makua was a member of the International Elders Council in service to humanity and global peace.