Shared Wisdom presents:
Witchcraft & Magic
Uncover an Anthropologist’s Approach to the History of Shamanism, the Spirit World & Altered States of Consciousness
w/ Hank Wesselman, PhD, Sierra College, 2006
“We actually came into this world as gods, it’s just that we have forgotten who we really are and what this really means.”
– Hale Kealohalani Makua, Native Hawaiian Elder
Your Invitation

Dear Spiritual Friends and Family,
As the desire to understand shamanic teachings increases, so too does the need to understand our shared history from a scientific and historic perspective.
Hank Wesselman PhD. was not only a leader in the American shamanic movement, but his background in anthropology gave him unique knowledge and insights into shamanic practices that goes unmatched to this day.
Shamanism, Witchcraft, & Magic is a rare glimpse into Hank’s college-level teachings on the study of Shamanism.
These are the only recorded teachings of Hank and this information in a professional and academic setting, making them a truly rare yet necessary course in one’s study of shamanism.
Over the course of this 12-week-long class at Sierra College (2006), Hank offers students foundational teachings into the roots, practices, and history of shamanism… all from an anthropological and academic perspective along with anecdotes to bring the information to life.
Being that these are the only recordings of this content, this valuable information is not shared elsewhere, including Hank’s other recorded programs and workshops.
This is material that he has rarely talked about and is now being available to the public for the first time.
This program expands on subjects briefly mentioned in other experiential programs and is now available to the public for the first time.
Join Hank for an extraordinary adventure into these powerful teachings which offer a rare insight into who we are and why we journey.
Deep appreciation,
The Shared Wisdom Team
In memory of Hank Wesselman, PhD., anthropologist, and futurist
P.S. When you enroll in the program, you will get immediate access to all 28+ hours of teachings.
“Hank Wesselman is a genuine and engaging storyteller who blends his scientific wisdom with his experience with shamanism from a place of heart.”
– Sandra Ingerman, MA, Author of Soul Rerieval & Walking in the Light
A Rare, Academic Approach to Shamanism
Whether you are new on your shamanic journey or a lifelong learner, these teachings will provide you with the necessary information to not only deepen your practice but to understand shamanism’s role in the development of our humanity.
Learn through an different perspective with trusted facts and information not offered by other teachers.
Those drawn to take these teachings are spiritual seekers learning to achieve ever-deepening states of transcendence but also those in search of knowledge, facts, and information.
Through these unprecedented teachings, you can expect to gain a deeper understanding of topics such as an anthropological approach to religion, the history of shamanism, a cross-cultural understanding of the spirit world, the science behind altered states of consciousness, and many more.
This information is the missing link in the growing modern mystics movement because it offers an academic and humanistic explanation to our never ending search for answers and meaning.
“Dr. Wesselman has begun to penetrate the shamanic realms of nonordinary reality and revelation. His dramatic accounts are well within the range of experiences regularly achieved by contemporary students of shamanism and shamanic journeying.”
– Michael Harner, MA, Author of The Way of the Shaman
A Glimpse into our shared ancestral history & Pratices
In Shamanism, Witchcraft & Magic you will have the opportunity to explore a new side of shamanic teachings.
As an anthropologist living and conducting research in many locations throughout Africa combined with this own awakening to the Spirit World (documented in his bestselling books), Hank has an extremely valuable perspective to offer students of shamanism.
These teachings will give you an expanded understanding to shamanic practices (such as journey work) but also will help you understand our natural connection to these practices that spans across time and cultures.
Each recording was filmed during Hank’s college lectures, giving you access to information seldom shared outside of an academic setting.
During these teachings, you will gain a better understanding of humanity’s ancestral roots and the importance of this sacred work.
While the journey back to self is constantly unfolding, we truly hope these rare and valuable teachings offer you the insights you need to deepen (or begin) your shamanic practice.
We hope to see you inside the program.
“Prying open the doors of perception of the inner worlds, Dr. Hank Wesselman nimby gifts us with glimpses into the panorama of the great mystery. As a scientist, shamanist, and seer, he combines the genius and discipline of scholarly exploration found in the contributions of Joseph Campbell, Lewis Hyde, Michael Harner, and Vine Deloria. “
– Nan Moss, Shamanic Teacher and Author of Weather Shamanism: Harmonizing our Connection with the Elements
When You Join the Program, Here’s What You’ll Receive…

1) College Level Recorded Teachings taught by Hank Wesselman, PhD.
Over 28+ hours of college level teachings including the History of Shamanism, Altered States of Consciousness, the Technology of Transcendence, and many more. You will have immediate and lifetime access to these recordings which we have NOT shared publicly before.

2) Full Video and Audio Downloads for Lifetime Access
Every teaching is available in video and audio formats so you’ll be able to download and own all the content. So if you want to watch the teachings over and over, you’ll be able to watch at your leisure.

3) A Private Member Portal [Website or Mobile Phone ACCESSIBLE]
All of the videos and audios will be held in a private membership portal for easy access on your desktop computer, iPad and phone. You can also download the mobile app so that this information travels with you wherever you go.
Plus Receive This Special bonus:

The Spiritwalker Teachings Audio Series – [6 Hour Audio Training]
As a member you will receive our core program that contains over 6 hours of online and downloadable audio teachings from our popular training program, The Spiritwalker Teachings: Journey for the Modern Mystic. Included are 8 shamanic journeys along with shamanic drumming tracks, an ancient and revered form of meditation.
About Hank Wesselman, PhD
Research paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman was one of those rare cutting edge scientists who truly walks between the worlds. He did his undergraduate work, as well as his Masters Degree, in Zoology at the Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder, then went on to recieve his doctoral degree in Anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley.
A former New Yorker, he spent much of his life living and working among traditional tribal peoples, primarily in Africa and Polynesia. He served in the US Peace Corps in the 1960’s, living among people of the Yoruba Tribe in Western Nigeria for two years. It was there that he first became interested in indigenous spiritual wisdom. In 1971, his research took him to the fossil beds of Eastern Africa’s Great Rift Valley in search of answers to the mystery of human origins. That’s where the visions began.
Hank passed on February 15, 2021 and these teachings are part of his shamanic legacy.
Hank is also the Author of:

What You’ll Receive when you enroll
Shared Wisdom presents:
Shamanism, Whitchcraft, & Magic
An Anthropologist’s Approach to the History of Shamanism, the Spirit World & Altered States of Consciousness

As a member you’ll receive…
1) 28+ Hours of Exclusive Recordings
2) Full Video & Audio Downloads for Lifetime Access
3) A Private Member Portal
[Website, iPad and Mobile App Access]
4) Q&A Sessions Recordings
5) BONUS: Spiritwalker Teachings Downloadable MP3 Series [6 hours]
Total Value: $1997
Access This Special Online Program Now:

Our Promise and 100% Guarantee
This is a legacy program that you will want to return to again and again as you continue on the path of shamanic initiation.
AND… we want to make it so easy to say yes and tap into these teachings that have transformed each one of us at such a core level that we’re inviting you to try them out for 30 days. If you don’t feel like you’re getting what you paid for, or you just don’t enjoy this path… we’ll refund your payment within 30 days. After the 30 days there are no returns granted.
What’s Inside the Curriculum:
“When your life is to be restructured, it is the foundation that changes first”
– Hale Makua
SharedWisdom presents:
Shamanism, Whitchcraft, & Magic
An Anthropologist’s Approach to the History of Shamanism, the Spirit World & Altered States of Consciousness

As a member you’ll receive…
1) 28+ Hours of Exclusive Recordings
2) Full Video & Audio Downloads for Lifetime Access
3) A Private Member Portal
[Website, iPad and Mobile App Access]
4) Q&A Sessions recordings
5) BONUS: Spiritwalker Teachings Downloadable MP3 Series [6 hours]
Total Value: $1997
Access This Special Online Program Now:

Our Promise and 100% Guarantee
This is a legacy program that you will want to return to again and again as you continue on the path of shamanic initiation.
AND… we want to make it so easy to say yes and tap into these teachings that have transformed each one of us at such a core level that we’re inviting you to try them out for 30 days. If you don’t feel like you’re getting what you paid for, or you just don’t enjoy this path… we’ll refund your payment within 30 days. After the 30 days there are no returns granted.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the sessions live or prerecorded?
How can I get support?
We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about accessing the course.
*For support please email: contact@sharedwisdom.com
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