SharedWisdom presents:
Shaman Visionary Circle
A Recorded Online Shamanic Training Program to Strengthen the Connection to Your Higher Self and Others, to Learn to Be of Service to Each Other Based on Who You Really Are, as well as in Service to the Spirit Realm
Hank Wesselman, PhD
includes full recordings of 34 sessions including:
Teachings – Shamanic Journeys – Q&A
“We actually came into this world as gods. It’s just that we have forgotten who we really are and what this really means.”
-Hale Kealohalani Makua, native Hawaiian elder
Your Invitation

Dear spiritual friends and family,
After repeated requests to form an online SharedWisdom Community Circle, starting in 2020 and completing in early 2021, Hank and Jill in accordance with their kuleanas (responsibility), offered an online immersive experience called the Shaman Visionary Circle.
Designed as weekly offering, there were 34 sessions recorded, each 90-minutes in duration, that consisted of teachings, journeys and revisiting of prior journeys. These are the last recorded teachings of Hank Wesselman, before he transitioned onto his next life.
We are offering the recordings of this circle to anyone who has established journey skills. [We recommend new students utilize the Spiritwalker Audio Series offered toward the end of this page.] For those fairly new to the practice, please note that this can indeed be life changing and for the old timers the circle can be a great place to sharpen the sword of experience and wisdom.
This is because the awakened mystic, within each of us, experiences a desire to deepen, to grow and become more, and to be of service.
During each session you will have the opportunity to explore a particular teaching and discover the revelations that then become available to you.
This reveals that most sessions involve teachings as well as experiential journeywork, a form of shamanic meditation that continually improves and deepens with practice using the rhythmic percussion of Hank’s drum to help alter and expand our conscious awareness. Some sessions were dedicated solely to Q&A from participants in the Circle.
The shamanic journey method will be explained and elucidated for those new to the shaman’s path.
Those drawn to take this program are spiritual seekers learning to achieve ever deepening states of transcendence.
Virtually everyone learns to relate directly with spirit teachers and helpers, elementals and guides, possibly ancestors and descendants, allowing them to bring about help, healing and growth for themselves, for members of their network, and for society and the world as a whole.
Modern mystics are well informed and socially concerned individuals engaged in intensive personal quests for spirituality, meaning, and transcendence.
We are part of a growing social movement searching for new ways to organize our lives in a personally more satisfying and beneficial manner.
This series involves discovery, discernment, empowerment, the cycle of death (including symbolic death) and rebirth, not of the soul aspects themselves, yet of the fears, lies, and distortions that persist, as well as the myths that no longer serve us in their current form.
Join Hank and Jill for an extraordinary adventure in this powerful training to investigate our own connection with the sacred through the hidden worlds.
Deep appreciation,
The Shared Wisdom Team
In memory of Hank Wesselman, PhD., anthropologist, and futurist
P.S. When you enroll in the program you will get immediate access to all 34 teaching sessions.
“Hank Wesselman is a genuine and engaging storyteller who blends his scientific wisdom with his experience with shamanism from a place of heart.”
– Sandra Ingerman, MA, author of Soul Retrieval and Walking in Light
The Power of Shamanic Journeying
When you participate in a shamanic circle, you create, as well as receive, the gift of your togetherness, powered by your collective Aloha.
And if you are to ‘project yourself’ (with intention and shamanic journeywork) within and beyond these circles, there is nothing you would like more than to be in good company… which you are.
When we sit in a circle, virtually or in person, the circle itself is about unity, about the commonality of all things, of all peoples, with all beings as part of the whole.
Coming into circle is not the exclusive property of any one cultural group or tribe. This is a universal human experience and it belongs to all of us. The ability to do this is one of our birthrights. And the gift of this achievement is your participation in this world in an enhanced way.
The circle is about being receptive. It is about openness to all that is around you. It is a rotary energy and thus feminine.
As the spirits and the ancestors are in service to us, we are in service to them. This is about an inner openness, receiving input from all the dimensions of life. It is about allowing perception of all the other realities beyond the everyday and the normal to come to us. And this is what we will be doing in the Shaman Visionary Circle.
“Dr. Wesselman has begun to penetrate the shamanic realms of nonordinary reality and revelation. His dramatic accounts are well within the range of experiences regularly achieved by contemporary students of shamanism and shamanic journeying.”
– Michael Harner, author of The Way of the Shaman
Going Deeper: Revisiting Your Foundation & Exploring All New Territory
In the Shamanic Visionary Circle we explore the subtle, dreamworld together in this series of online encounters with the sacred.
In creating this series, we will follow Hale Makua’s–our spiritual elder whom we were blessed to come into relationship– tendency to begin in the middle, then expand in both directions, and you as an embodied soul will be the traveler across a compelling body of information and process.
We will revisit foundation journeys to rebuild and fortify our inner structures. We will also be exploring all-new journeys and places, plus be sharing new sacred teachings.
Each session will involve 40 minutes of narrative and teachings followed by 20 minutes of experiential journeywork.
What you will need: a private place to sit or lie down; a way to listen to the shamanic journey drum; an eye shade or bandana to cover your eyes (spirit imagery is most easily perceived on a dark visual field;) a notebook and writing instrument. Some light a candle and some incense and include a few power objects on an altar cloth.
We will give you further instructions on the Shaman journey method directly inside the course and also we have included the Spiritwalker teaching audio series.
“Prying open the doors of perception of the inner worlds, Dr. Hank Wesselman nimbly gifts us with glimpses into the panorama of the great mystery. As a scientist, shamanist, and seer, he combines the genius and discipline of scholarly explorations found in the contributions of Joseph Campbell, Lewis Hyde, Michael Harner, and Vine Deloria.”
– Nan Moss, shamanic teacher and author of Weather Shamanism: Harmonizing Our Connection with the Elements
Walking the Path of Direct Revelation
How to create a bridge to the other world to be of Service to ‘Self’ and Others
The art of the shamanic journey–a time-tested meditative method for experiencing important spiritual lessons and truths.
In the western world, there is confusion about the kind of work done by medicine people and the work done by shamans. This confusion exists because every shaman is a medicine person, but not all medicine people are shamans.
In fact most medicine people are not shamans and tend to fall into cultural roles more like our priests—as ceremonial leaders and ritual specialists who hold the spiritual balance of their communities in their capable hands … and many have great knowledge of the healing arts.
But medicine people do their main work here in the physical world, whereas shamans tend to do their main work in the spiritual worlds—the dreamtime of the Aboriginals, the Other Worlds of the mystics.
Direct experience of the transpersonal realms of the spirits lies beyond both belief and faith. It is also completely and irreversibly life changing, revealing why the shaman’s path is of such interest to members of the transformational community.
In Hank’s small book the Journey to the Sacred Garden, he reveals that most of us may be hard wired to be able to do this. When that genetic ‘program’ on your inner hard drive (your DNA) is double-clicked with the right mouse, the deep psychic kicks on and true transpersonal experience then becomes available to us. The ability to do this is a learned skill that improves with practice, which is why a deep immersion experience in shamanic journeywork provides the foundation for our spiritual unfolding and Personal Transformation.
Benefits of Regular Shamanic Journeywork

Connection with Ancestors
Develop a relationships with your past and explore your lineage for growth and healing

Power Augmentation
Learn to connect with your guides, spiritual allies and higher realms

Vision and Purpose
Work on pulling in and downloading how you can be of greatest service in your life

Cleansing & Purification
Journey for regular clearing and cleaning of old energies that could constrict your path

Know Thyself
Through journeywork we understand the different layers of the self and work toward self mastery

Spiritual Exploration
Understand the spiritual hierarchy, layers of the other worlds and travel to known inner spaces
“We are living in a time when the materialist world order and the human obsessions with manipulation, profit, and war have brought our civilization to the raw edge of global catastrophe. Into that perfect storm come voices that urge us to remember what we once knew―what shamans and gnostics and the mystics of antiquity taught. Hank Wesselman is such a voice. “
Ralph Metzner, PhD, author of The Wall of Remembrance & Green Psychology
Who is this for?
- Those who want to deepen and commit to their shamanic practice with regular journeys (and may not have a regular circle)
- Those who believe in acquiring direct connection to their Higher Self or Oversoul
- Those who are committed to knowing who they are and their true purpose
- Those who want to embody more love, joy and peace
- Those who believe and know there are other dimensions and conscious realities that can be accessed through journeywork and meditation
- Those who want to be a force for good in the world to help humanity
- Those who have a deep connection to the animal world and nature
Who is this NOT for?
- Those who are unstable due to no or little medical or psychological management of their condition. This includes those that are destabilized by drumming, rattling or other percussive practices.
- Those who believe that there is only one path to enlightenment (through whatever religion they practice or other means)
- Those who want to learn shamanic healing of others because this is beyond the scope of this training
- Those who are NOT committed to doing regular meditation or journeywork and would rather just gather more information
- Those who are overly critical of others
- Those who want to teach their own work inside the group or sell anything to this group
When You Join the Program, Here is What You’ll Receive …

1) Recorded Trainings & Journeywork taught by Hank Wesselman, PhD.
Each session is 30 minutes of narrative & teachings followed by 20 minutes of experiential journeywork with 10 minutes of recap. You will have immediate access to 30+ recordings. We will go deep into different types of journeys, many of which we have NOT shared publically before.

2) Recordings of Q&As
You will also receive access to the previously recorded Q&A sessions. In these recordings, you will hear Hank answer the most common questions from students.

3) Full Video, Audio & Transcript Downloads for Lifetime Access
Every training is available in video and audio formats so you’ll be able to download and own all the content. So if you want to watch the trainings over and over, you’ll be able to watch at your leisure. Written transcripts are also available. We also suggest that you practice each journey MORE than once to really go deep so they live inside you!

4) A Private Member Portal [Website or Mobile Phone Accessable]
All of the video, audio and transcripts will be held in a private member portal for easy access either on your desktop computer, iPad or you can download a mobile app to access all of the material on your phone so that this information travels with you wherever you go. You will be able to download all of the previous materials and save them on your computer or harddrive as well. Inside this member portal you will find the email account for requesting support which leads you to a support team.
PLUS Receive this Special Bonus…

The Spiritwalker Teachings Audio Series – [6 Hour Audio Training]
As a member you will receive our core program that contains over 6 hours of online and downloadable audio teachings from our popular training program, The Spiritwalker Teachings: Journey for the Modern Mystic. Included are 8 shamanic journeys along with shamanic drumming tracks, an ancient and revered form of meditation.
About Hank Wesselman, PhD
Research paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman was one of those rare cutting edge scientists who truly walks between the worlds. He did his undergraduate work, as well as his Masters Degree, in Zoology at the Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder, then went on to recieve his doctoral degree in Anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley.
A former New Yorker, he spent much of his life living and working among traditional tribal peoples, primarily in Africa and Polynesia. He served in the US Peace Corps in the 1960’s, living among people of the Yoruba Tribe in Western Nigeria for two years. It was there that he first became interested in indigenous spiritual wisdom. In 1971, his research took him to the fossil beds of Eastern Africa’s Great Rift Valley in search of answers to the mystery of human origins. That’s where the visions began.
Author of:

What You’ll Receive when you enroll
SharedWisdom presents:
Shaman Visionary Circle
An Online Shamanic Training with Hank Wesselman, PhD

As a member you’ll receive…
1) 30+ Training and Journeywork Recordings
2) Q&A Sessions recordings
3) Full Video, Audio, & Transcript Downloads for Lifetime Access
4) A Private Member Portal
[Website, iPad and Mobile Access]
6) BONUS: Spiritwalker Teachings Downloadable MP3 Series [6 hours]
Total Value: $1997
Access This Special Online Program Today:
Click the button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.
One Time Payment

Our Promise and 100% Guarantee
This is a legacy program that you will want to return to again and again as you continue on the path of shamanic initiation and journeywork..
AND… we want to make it so easy to say yes and tap into these teachings that have transformed each one of us at such a core level that we’re inviting you to try them out for 7 days. If you don’t feel like you’re getting what you paid for, or you just don’t enjoy this path… we’ll refund your payment within 7 days. After the 7 days there are no returns granted.
What’s Inside the Shamanic Journeys and Practical Curriculum
Shamanic Teachings Part 1
Building and Grounding Your Shamanic Foundation:
In this segment of the teaching, we will be working on our personal Foundation. It is important to return to our Sacred Garden, a place in nature special to us on which we can begin every journey and to which we return at the journey’s end… especially if we have not been there lately…..
We will explore:
- Animism and Nature Mysticism
- Animatism—the field of power
- The shaman, trance medium and the priest
- Altered States of consciousness
- The other worlds
Shamanic Teachings Part 2
The Spirits
In this segment of the teaching, we gain an expanded perspective of those transpersonal forces and their function in our lives as well as the localities in between lives.
We will explore:
- The Spirit Teacher & The Guide
- The 3 Souls as the Foundation for the Self – Journey
- The Personal Spirit Soul – Divination
- Types of Spirits
- Ancestral Spirits
Shamanic Teachings Part 3
Spiritual Organization: Rites, Communal & Individual
We will explore:
- Polytheism and Monotheism – Guy Swanson
- The Evolution of Religion – Robert Bellah
- Ritual, Ceremony and Magic
Shamanic Teachings Part 4
Spirit Medicine
We will explore:
- Sorcery and Negative Witchcraft – Voodoo
- Classic Causes of Illness
- Protection, Oversoul, & Power Animals
- Classic Levels of Shamanic Healing
- Ancestral Lineage Healing
- Personal Healing Ritual
Shamanic Teachings Part 5
The Elemantals
We will explore:
- The Spirit of Fire & The Spirit of Water
- The Spirit of Earth & the Spirit of Stone
- The Spirit of Nature & The Spirit of Air
You Will Receive over 25 Journeys

“When your life is to be restructured, it is the foundation that changes first”
– Hale Makua
SharedWisdom presents:
Shaman Visionary Circle
An Online Shamanic Training with Hank Wesselman, PhD

As a member you'll receive...
1) 30+ Training and Journeywork Recordings
2) Q&A Sessions recordings
3) Full Video, Audio, & Transcript Downloads for Lifetime Access
4) A Private Member Portal
[Website, iPad and Mobile Access]
6) BONUS: Spiritwalker Teachings Downloadable MP3 Series [6 hours]
Total Value: $1997
Access this Special Online Program Today:
Click the button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.
One Time Payment
$1997 Payment
(for a limited time only)
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Our Promise and 100% Guarantee
This is a legacy program that you will want to return to again and again as you continue on the path of shamanic initiation and journeywork..
AND… we want to make it so easy to say yes and tap into these teachings that have transformed each one of us at such a core level that we’re inviting you to try them out for 7 days. If you don’t feel like you’re getting what you paid for, or you just don’t enjoy this path… we’ll refund your payment within 7 days. After the 7 days there are no returns granted.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the sessions live or prerecorded?
All of the sessions are pre-recorded and are loaded into a membership site for easy access. You will be able to download the video, audio and transcripts to watch/read/listen at your convenience.
How can I get support?
We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about accessing the course.
*For support please email: support@shamanvisionarycircle.com