Everyone seems to be sending out inspirational millennium messages these days, so here are some thoughts derived from encounters with members of the modern mystical movement over the past 18 years. These meetings with remarkable people have led me to suspect that there are countless numbers of “evolutionary sleepers” out there in the main stream of humanity, each a holon containing within itself an extraordinary biological-energetic program that can reveal who and what we may all become as the human species continues its ascent toward the culmination of our evolution.
There appear to be higher functions coded into the personal mind-body matrix that can remain dormant throughout life–but once awakened, they can transform us. The inner fieldwork of the Eastern mystics suggests that these timing mechanisms involve the ductless glands, the brain, and the heart. Once activated, these centers can enlighten the whole body, which, in turn, often undergoes striking changes. At the time of this writing, the human species as a whole has not experienced the triggering of these higher functions, but those rare individuals who have, stand before us as signposts, as prototypes of what humankind may become when the whole population awakens and crosses the evolutionary threshold to become a new species. This is not fantasy but a real phenomenon known to students of evolutionary theory as punctuated equilibrium.
I suspect further that when each of us becomes aware of the biophysical-energetic program that exists within us, when we awaken from the consensus slumber of culture at large and remember that we were once seeds of light, traveling among the stars, accompanied and protected by spiritual guardians, each of us can use the program as a map to navigate our way through the forests of illusion and across the plains of experience. With the closure of the old millennium and the beginning of the next, recent surveys have revealed that as many as one in every two of us have had an involuntary paranormal experience at some point in our lives–one that has carried us across some unknown inner threshold into more expanded realms of consciousness.
As we awaken, our life experiences can begin to manifest themselves as a true hero’s journey, as an upward quest that leads us into direct experience of spirit–a journey that becomes possible for us only through the doorway of the heart. It is through this gateless gate that we can personally experience connection with unlimited power and a god-like mind, and we know then with certainty then that no holy words or books, no secret ceremonies or rituals, not spiritual leaders or gurus or faiths can do this for us. Once the higher evolutionary functions are triggered, it seems that a predetermined schedule is set into motion, a program that cannot be given to us by any outside agency. This is because each of us already has it.
The paths that each of us take as we pass through life are the vehicles through which we awaken. So as each of you proceeds on with your lives. growing, increasing and becoming more, please take these thoughts with you–with my gratitude.
Jill joins me in sending warm thoughts…