with Hank Wesselman Ph.D.
The Spiritwalker Interviews
The Spiritwalker Teachings: Journeys for the modern mystic
We wanted to let you know that Hank completed an interview with Richard Taubinger called The Spiritwalker Interviews. This webinar is specifically oriented toward the 6 CD set called The Spiritwalker Teachings that records much of the five day Visionseeker Level One workshop taught at the Esalen Institute, the Omega Institute and at other venues.
In this special audio set includes:
CD 1: Shamanic Journey Method
CD 2: The Nature of Reality
CD 3: The Soul Cluster
CD 4: Initiation and Ancestor Work
CD 5: Shamanic Healing
CD 6: Drumming and Rattling
The No B.S. Spiritual Book Club with Sandie Sedgbeer
In this interview by Sandie Sedgbeer, Hank discusses the top 10 spiritual books that influenced him on his own journey. As a scholar and shamanic teacher, this interview gives great insights into the teachings and knowledge that both shaped and compliments Hanks teachings.
Conversation with Jim Self, 2012
In this YouTube audio recording, Hank talks with Mastering Alchemy founder Jim Self about waking up, near death experience, and shamanic practice. Clips also cover how the Western world is moving to shamanic practice while the indigenous societies are seeking the modern. Hank lays out the stages of spiritual unfoldment and Jim discusses mass agreements and belief systems that shape our perceptions.
Tribute IAM Symposium 2021
This is the Journey from the Hank Wesselman talk during IAM Symposium 2020. Journey to the Fire Spirit. With permission from the great Kahuna elder, Hale Makua, Hank Wesselman, Ph.D., shares sacred Hawaiian spiritual knowledge seldom imparted to outsiders.
How to Increase Your Mana & Power through Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom | Bowl of Light
In this interview with Michael Sander from Inspirenation, Hank and Michale discuss Hawaiian Wisdom. They go into the power of ancient Hawaiian wisdom and how to apply it to your life.
The Bowl of Light with Hank Wesselman on Why Shamanism Now Podcast
Join us this week as author, teacher, and paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman, PhD, and host, Christina Pratt, explore Hank’s new book, The Bowl of Light, and how we could make that shift. There is much needed wisdom here in the heart of the teachings this great Kahuna elder passed on to Hank. He is our next guest for the Society of Shamanic Practitioners sponsored interview series. In this series we explore how contemporary shamans are meeting the challenge of their world where the relations of things are profoundly out of balance. It is the ancient role of the shaman in all cultures to tend the balance of things. How are we meeting this extraordinary need today?

Michael Stone: WE Earth Radio Conversations - Hank Wesselman Ph.D. - Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman
Research paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman is one of those rare cutting edge scientists who truly walks between the worlds. He has spent much of his life working among traditional tribal peoples, primarily in Africa and Polynesia. For the past 30 years, he has conducted research with an international group of scientists, exploring eastern Africa’s Great Rift Valley in search of answers to the mystery of human origins. He is also a shaman in training, now in the 20th year of his apprenticeship. He is the author of many books including his latest, The Bowl of Light.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/13/02 when anthropologist and shaman Dr. Hark Wesselman shared how to access the Grid – a realm between the physical and the spiritual world.

Shamanism and Spritual Growth on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
Anthropologist and author Hank Wesselman discussed his eight years of visitations, begun in 1996, with the late Hawaiian shaman and kahuna Hale Makua. Listen in as Hank talks of his friendship with this great Hawaiian elder and of the great wisdom the Hawaiian elder passed down to him.
Hank Wesselman: The Re-Enchantment
Hank Wesselman was a paleoanthropologist and a shamanic practitioner who has devoted his life to exploring the mysteries of human origins. He has authored several books and articles detailing his adventures in altered states and shamanic journeys. With Sounds True, Hank has published The Re-Enchantment: A Shamanic Path to a Life of Wonder, which offers a path for reclaiming a sense of wonder at the many joys of life and the universe. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Hank speak on his interpretation of the soul—including the personal over-soul and a world-soul that communicates through every living being. They discuss the imperative need for humanity to return to a more balanced relationship with nature. Finally, Hank describes the qualities he sees as necessary for someone to step onto the shamanic path as a teacher. (69 minutes)

Soul Retrievals on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
Anthropologist Hank Wesselman and his wife, shaman Jill Kuykendall discussed spirit medicine in relation to soul loss & soul retrieval. People can lose parts of their soul due to traumas such as abuse or the loss of a loved one, explained Kuykendall. There are three aspects to the soul– spirit, body and mental which roughly correspond with Freud’s superego, ego and subconscious (id), Wesselman further detailed.
Alternative Fuels/ Shamanic Teachings
In the latter half, Hank Wesselman spoke about the importance of renewing relationships with nature to reawaken us to spiritual reality and a sense of connection. He discussed the role of the shaman as a mediator between the material and spiritual worlds as well as guides, oversouls, and masters of deception– unseen spiritual forces that can wreak havoc. The indigenous people understood that reality presents itself in two halves, that which is seen, and that which is hidden. The shaman’s path is about investigating and penetrating into the hidden and inner worlds, he explained, adding that these “inner worlds are inhabited by transpersonal forces that traditional people call spirits.” Wesselman wonders if what we call aliens could actually be these spirits.

Hank Wesselman: Kahuna Wisdom
Tami Simon speaks with Hank Wesselman, who has a PhD in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley, and for many years studied the origin of the human species in the Rift Valley in East Africa. He also was a student and teacher of shamanic practices and is the coauthor of the Sounds True book Awakening to the Spirit World, with fellow shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman. His new book with Sounds True is The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman. In this episode, Dr. Wesselman speaks the lessons he learned from his friendship with the late Hawaiian kahuna and wisdom keeper Hale Makua-including a technique called “the bowl of light” that can help us connect to our divine nature, and the vision of an “Ancestral Grand Plan” for humanity. (58 minutes)
Shamanism: The Primordial Spirituality with Hank Wesselman, PhD on Lucid Cafe
I’ve always enjoyed listening to my guest Hank Wesselman talk story, and this episode doesn’t disappoint! As a celebrated author and teacher for over 20 years, Hank has a way of bringing the esoteric nature of shamanism down to earth. In this episode, he shares what he’s learned and observed about the transformative nature of shamanism, the impact religion has had on ancient cultures, what the future might bring, and discusses the evolution of his own dreaming.

Shamanism & Anthropology on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
Anthropologist, author, and primary investigator of the Early Man sites in Ethiopia, Hank Wesselman discussed how shamanism can be used for accessing the realms of spirit, and gave an update on discoveries in anthropology. His new book + CD, Awakening to the Spirit World, co-authored with Sandra Ingerman, explores shamanic techniques such as listening to drumming to enter trance states. He spoke about the prophecies of Black Elk, a Native American shaman, who believed we were entering the end of a cycle, and with this ending a “primordial spirituality will reestablish itself, and it will be on this foundation that the next cycle of ages will begin again.”
Awakening to the Spirit World
Tami Simon speaks with Hank Wesselman, who has a PhD in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley, and for many years studied the origin of the human species in the Rift Valley in East Africa. He is also a student and teacher of shamanic practices and is the coauthor of the new Sounds True book Awakening to the Spirit World. Hank discusses what he calls the coming great age in which direct spiritual revelation will take precedence over any type of organized religion, and the import role that shamans hold today in connecting the dream world with present reality. (64 minutes)

Hank Interviewed by Deepak Chopra
Research paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman, PhD is one of those rare cutting edge scientists who truly walks between the worlds. He did his undergraduate work, as well as his Masters Degree, in Zoology at the University of Colorado at Boulder, then went on to receive his doctoral degree in Anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley. For the past 30 years, he has worked with an international group of scientists, exploring East Africa’s Great Rift Valley in search of answers to the mystery of human origins. He is also a shaman in training, now in the 19th year of his apprenticeship…
Interview by Hillary S. Webb with Hank Wesselman Phd.
Anthropologist Hank Wesselman has been described by his peers as possessing “the sober objectivity of the trained scientist with the mystic’s passionate search for the deeper understanding.” As is evidenced by Dr Wesselman’s writings and teachings, when these two polarities unite, amazing things have a way of unfolding. When asked, Wesselman himself maintains that, “when these two sides of myself began to come together, my whole life changed a great deal.”

Purchase Hank's Final Teachings
Shaman Visionary Circle was an online program that took place from May 2020 to February 2021. It includes 9 months of teachings by Hank Wesselman with guest appearances by Jill Kuykendall and a closing ceremony with Sandra Ingerman. After Hank's passing, there's been a request to access his final teachings and 33 journeys. Find out more about the program and how to access the teachings by clicking below.