Jill and I are in full swing with our teaching schedule now stretching toward Summer. We have had wonderful sweet workshop groups this Spring that have been deeply nurturing at the soul level at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California; at Breitenbush Hotsprings in Oregon; at the Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma; at the Studio Maui in Haiku; and even a one day shamanic healing workshop in Sacramento.
This leads me to observe that Jill and I will be teaching a Visionseeker Level One workshop at Esalen June 13-18, followed by another with my royal self at the Omega Institute near Rhinebeck, NY June 20-25 with a weekend follow up workshop there June 25-27 on the Elementals…
We have also added a new Visionseeker 3 workshop to our schedule for northern California at the Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma the first week in August.
As always we look forward to meeting all of you who have some wiggle-room in your schedules and can join us for a mind-blowing week.
Our current newsletter has gone out to our mailing list, so if you haven’t yet signed up for it on the Sharedwisdom.com site, please do.
My essay about my conversation with a Genie in Egypt last December has been very well received and widely shared with many comments posted. Accordingly, I have ‘revisited’ this topic this month and offer you yet another such encounter with a Jinn—one that happened in Egypt in 2003 that is posted under Shaman Wisdom.
This essay reveals what’s possible using the shamanic method, and also advises caution in dealing with the Jinn.
Here on the home front, the rainy season has arrived (hesitantly) and Jill’s kitchen garden is under ongoing nocturnal assault by wild pigs. It’s extraordinary how much damage and destruction pigs can inflict in a short period of time, and in consulting with our Hawaiian neighbors, we have learned that everyone here up mauka (at higher elevations) on the island is experiencing similar levels of invasion.
Even though Kamapua’a, The Hawaiian pig god, is the volcano goddess Pele’s lover, I may have to acquire a large spear…
More to come I’m sure… and we’re open to suggestions.
With warm thoughts…
—Dr. Hank