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From Hank Wesselman, Ph.D. & Jill Kuykendall RPT
Timeweaver: The Book of Nainoa (Spiritwalker)
The long awaited fourth book in the Spiritwalker series, features a glimpse into a world 5000 years in the future.
Dr. Hank Wesselman, a paleoanthropologist and research academic, became an unlikely shaman when he began having spontaneous, powerful visionary experiences in 1983, which continued until the time of his passing in 2021. During these experiences his conscious awareness would travel beyond his body to merge with the body, mind, and soul of another man who lives in another time.
But these were not what some would call past-life experiences. They could more accurately be likened to time travel. As the connection deepened, Hank came to see that he was contacting his future self, roughly 5,000 years after the collapse of Western civilization.
Hank was compelled to share his experiences as he came to understand that this destiny is not cast in stone. That actions and decisions we make now will determine the future we and our descendants are walking into.
This final volume is unique in that it is told from the perspective of Nainoa, the Hawaiian kahuna mystic contacted by Hank almost four decades ago. We will travel with Nainoa and experience a slice of his life and his perceptions. It turns out that the world he inhabits is the barely recognizable, former United States.
This extraordinary true story culminates with a powerful, important message for our time.
The Re-Enchantment: A Shamanic Path to a Life of Wonder
In a time when our scientific understanding of the universe has never been greater, why do so many people feel unhappy and alienated? As Dr. Hank Wesselman explains, our search for objective knowledge has come at the cost of a deeper, intuitive connection with nature and our spiritual selves. The result is a profound disenchantment, one that affects us individually and collectively. What we need now is a “re-enchantment”—a way to reclaim the wonder and hope that will give meaning to our lives.
The Re-Enchantment offers a compelling blueprint for the emerging transformational spirituality—not a return to the superstition and ignorance of old beliefs, but a “modern upgrade of the path of the shaman” that integrates our advances in reason into a new story about who we are and where we fit in to the greater whole. “Shamanism is a method, not a religion,” Dr. Wesselman writes. “When practiced with humility, reverence, and self-discipline, the shaman’s path can become a way of life, one that may enrich our experience beyond measure.
The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman
- The “Bowl of Light”—the vessel for our divine essence and how we must care for it to sustain our natural radiance
- The three directives of the spiritual warrior—love with humility, live with reverence, and know with self-discipline
- Rare descriptions of rituals used by Hale Makua for communing with nature, receiving wisdom from the spirit world, purifying our consciousness, and more
- The Ancestral Grand Plan—exploring the path our ancestors set in motion millennia ago and how the Plan is playing out across the world today
Some Thoughts from Makua
“It’s not the year 2012 that is important. It’s 2013,” said Hale Makua to a group of students in 2002, as recounted in the book, “For this is when we will begin the next cycle of ages. This means that we have to create a new foundation for the next cycle, and what we decide to build on will determine the spiritual focus as well as our lifeways for much of the next several thousand years.”
“We have some hard decisions to make, and we have to make them now,” Makua laughed softly. “We are now in the position to create a new world for our descendants, and especially for the next seven generations. This will require a massive shift out of the negative and into the positive polarity, and at all levels of our lives.”
What People Are Saying
“This book moved me to tears of joy with the depth of its compassionate wisdom and spiritual good humor. A series of philosophical dialogues between Hank Wesselman, a visionary anthropologist, and the revered Hawaiian elder Hale Makua, The Bowl of Light reveals the profoundly beautiful cosmology of the ancient Polynesian, ocean-spanning culture. May it serve as an inspiration for all seekers in our turbulent times!”
-RALPH METZNER, PHD, author of The Expansion of Consciousness
“Anthropologist Hank Wesselman shares the ancestral wisdom of Hawaiian elder and spiritual teacher Hale Makua with enormous eloquence, grace, precision, and depth. Always the consummate storyteller, Dr. Wesselman braids his discourses with this remarkable man into a powerful narrative that communicates the magical context of their friendship.”
-NICKI SCULLY, author of Alchemical Healing and Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt
“The Bowl of Light provides powerful teachings of deep and profound Hawaiian ancestral wisdom to the ever-growing numbers of students of the mysteries of our ancient world. Another fantastic book by Hank Wesselman!”
-LYNN ANDREWS, author of the Medicine Woman Series
“A fascinating tribute to the life and teachings of a great Hawaiian spiritual warrior. in this literary luau, you’ll be fed rich stories of the life in a stone, of why dolphins and whales are keepers of memory, and of why you should put on slippery oil if you are traveling among troubled spirits. This book is a treasure chest of magic that can transform your life!”
-ROBERT MOSS, author of Conscious Dreaming, Dreamgates, and Active Dreaming
“The Bowl of Light is a treasure. Revealing profound principles of indigenous Polynesian wisdom, it gets richer and richer by the page as we look through Hank Wesselman’s eyes into a body of knowledge we might otherwise never see, and through it our spiritual understanding and empowerment of ourselves can only deepen.”
-BROOKE MEDICINE EAGLE, author of Buffalo Woman Comes Singing
The Spiritwalker Teachings Downloadable Audio Files
When You Purchase the Spiritwalker Teachings, You Will Get:
1) Spiritwalker Teachings Downloadable MP3 Series [6 hours]
2) Full Audio Downloads and Lifetime Access
3) A Private Member Portal
[Website, iPad and Mobile Access]
The Spiritwalker Teachings include 8 shamanic journeys along with shamanic drumming tracks – an ancient and revered form of meditation.
This series includes:
- The Foundation
- Nature of Reality
- Soul Cluster
- Initiation & Ancestors
- Shamanic Healing
- Drumming & Rattling
Awakening to the Spirit World
- How the original practice of shamanism shaped the
world’s spiritual traditions and why it is relevant today - The art of the shamanic journey–a time tested meditative method for experiencing important
spiritual lessons and truths - Guidance for avoiding common pitfalls of shamanic practice
- Instructions for working with your dreams, connecting with your helping spirits, doing ritual and ceremony, healing yourself and your environment, as well as working with the dying
- a CD of shamanic drumming to facilitate your shamanic journey
Spiritwalker: Messages from the Future
In this world, he met a fellow traveler, a Hawaiian kahuna mystic named Nainoa. What did Nainoa seek from Dr. Wesselman? What did the anthropologist have to learn from this exotic traveler from another time and place? Maintaining his scientific objectivity, Dr. Wesselman embarked on a mystical journey beyond the boundaries of ordinary consciousness. The result is a fascinating adventure, an exciting discovery, and the story of how a hard-headed scientific realist may have stumbled on an important piece in the puzzle of human evolution.
Socially urgent and disturbingly prophetic, Spiritwalker has a universal mythic resonance and an undeniable relevance for today as it challenges our perceptions of our world. our reality, and our future.
Review of SpirItwalker
“What a fabulous, stunning, inspiring account! This book explodes our narrow ways of thinking about the nature of the mind, and reveals consciousness as it really is — unbounded, beyond brain and body, infinite in space and time, divine. Wesselman is a bold visionary and a courageous scientist whose mission is to find and reveal Truth. Spiritwalker is a modern hero’s journey. It is the story of someone who risks everything, and whose wisdom and acts of courage may help redeem us.” — Larry Dossey, M.D. Author of Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine, Meaning Medicine, Recovering the Soul
MedicineMaker: Mystic Encounters on the Shaman's Path
In the brilliant visionary tradition of Carlos Castaneda, anthopologist Hank Wesselman first documented his spiritual journey in the internationally acclamied SPIRITWALKER. His travels through the spirit world continue in this astonishing book, leading us into the heart of one of the greatest mysteries of existence.
Dr. Wesselman’s inspiring quest began with a dramatic spiritual encounter on the island of Hawai’i in which his mind was brought into connection with the consciousness of another man named Nainoa, a kahuna initiate and fellow mystic traveler. Though he feared his connection to Nainoa would be severed when he moved to San Diego in 1989, in the year that followed, he experienced a trance of intense, exquisite clarity in which his mind once gain merged with that of Nainoa.
This remarkable book also takes us on expedition to Africa and gives us an unprecedented glimpse into the origin and destiny of our species. Hank Wesselman has brought back from his extraordinary travels an extraordinary message: the keys to personal power and the healing of all humankind.
Reviews of Medicinemaker
“Hank Wesselman is that rare combination of visionary and scholar whose message has the ring of truth, clarity, and urgency. MEDICINEMAKER is anchored in personal experience, not fantasy. It is a thrilling journey that challenges our complacent assumptions about reality.”
— Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Prayer is Good Medicine
“An engaging personal narrative of spontaneous non-ordinary experiences bridging 5000 years by paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman, whose earlier book, Spiritwalker, set the stage for sharing his new inner adventures.” — Michael Harner, Ph.D., author of The Way of the Shaman
“MEDICINEMAKER is Hank Wesselman’s eloquently written, courageous true account about a scientist turned shaman who travels 5000 years in the future. It is a powerful testimony to the timeless connections between spirits and our intuition that binds us all together with love.” — Judith Orloff, M.D., author of Second Sight
“Wesselman’s dramatic story continues and unfolds in a way to inspire us all.” — Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, and A Fall to Grace
“MEDICINEMAKER is vibrant, beautiful, and intimately written. This book is the wake-up signal humanity has been waiting for and is one of the most important books you can read in your lifetime.” — Gay Luce, director, The Nine Gates Mystery School
VisionSeeker: Shared Wisdom from the Place of Refuge
In the third remarkable book in the Spiritwalker trilogy, Dr. Hank Wesselman reveals what it means to be a scientist, a mystic, and a medicine man in an age of high technology and super science. In Visionseeker, he casts light on the emergence of a modern Western Shamanism, the phenomenon of spirit possession, the conveyance of the souls of the dead, authentic shamanic time travel, and the true nature of the human spirit. His ongoing connections with Nainoa give us an intimate look at kahuna spiritual wisdom, and their amazing visionary voyages finally bring them face to face with each other and with the mysterious Source of all existence.
Reviews of Visionseeker
“Well written and suspenseful. Hank Wesselman’s Visionseeker rivals the works of Carlos Castaneda.” — Michael Harner, PhD., author of ‘The Way of the Shaman’ and director, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
“Visionseeker is a fabulous exploration into the reaches of consciousness, a glimpse into the possible evolutionary future of the mind. Anthropologist Hank Wesselman is an expert guide who fully realizes that he is playing with scientific and spiritual dynamite.” — Larry Dossey, MD., author of ‘Reinventing Medicine’ and ‘Healing Words’.
“Hank Wesselman’s trilogy of his explorations in authentic shamanic time-travel represents an extraordinarily exciting contribution to the worldwide paradigm shift taking place in our time. Combining the sober objectivity of a trained scientist with a mystic’s passionate search for deeper understanding, Visionseeker contains further fascinating revelations of the generally secret teachings of the Hawaiian kahunas.” — Ralph Metzner, PhD., author of ‘The Unfolding Self’ and ‘Green Psychology’.
“Visionseeker is an exhilarating, aesthetically lovely adventure, and a mind-expanding portent of our possible future. What raises the hair on the back of my neck is the flexible consciousness of this shamanic anthropologist, living life unconstrained by a local personality. Hank Wesselman’s Spiritwalker Trilogy has changed my way of living in time.” — Gay Luce, PhD., director, the Nine Gates Mystery School.
“Hank Wesselman is a courageous anthropologist who explores the realms of spirit and consciousness to give us an expanded vision of the world. Visionseeker will challenge the limits of reality.” — Dr. Judith Orloff, MD., author of ‘Dr. Judith Orloff’s Guide to Intuitive Healing’ and ‘Second Sight’.
“Hank Wesselman shares his brilliance with us in Visionseeker as he takes us on the intriguing journey of his own spiritual evolution.” — Sandra Ingerman, author of ‘Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self’.
The Journey to the Sacred Garden: A Guide to Traveling in the Spiritual Realms
At the heart of spiritual awakening lies the discovery that each of us can achieve the direct, transformative connection with the sacred realms that defines the mystic. The Journey to the Sacred Garden guides us along a well-traveled path into this extraordinary experience and includes an experiential CD of shamanic drumming and rattling, providing us with an effective, easily learned technique for expanding awareness and shifting consciousness safely. The first goal: to find our Sacred Garden, a place for personal empowerment; as well as physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual restoration. Once there, we learn through direct experience that the garden can be used as a gateway into the other levels of the inner worlds.
Anthropologist Hank Wesselman, Ph.D., reveals that our garden operates by four primary rules:
- Everything in the garden is symbolic of some aspect of ourselves or our life experience.
- Everything in the garden can be communicated with, enhancing understanding.
- The garden can bechanged by doing gardenwork.
- When you change your garden, some part of you or your life will change in response.
Spirit Medicine: Healing in the Sacred Realms
The rediscovery that each one of us can achieve the direct,transformative connection with the sacred realms lies right at the heart of the spiritual reawakening sweeping the Western world- a phenomenon explored by anthropologist Hank Wesselman, Ph.D., in his widely read book The Journey to the Sacred Garden. In Spirit Medicine, Dr. Wesselman is joined by his wife, transpersonal medical practitioner Jill Kuykendall, RPT., to present us with a cross-cultural consideration of illness, healing, and health care from the ancient wisdom of the traditional peoples. Spirit Medicine opens a window into a universal worldview that will help you:
- Understand the classic causes of illness—an essential step in true healing
- Work with the four levels of spiritual healing
- Expand your connections to inner sources of wisdom and power
- Deepen your contacts with your helping spirits and healing masters
Words of Praise
“SPIRIT MEDICINE reveals an indigenous medical system that is so sophisticated it makes ours look amateurish in many respects, especially regarding the role of spirit, consciousness, and love in healing. This book is a window that sheds vital light on our own healing system, without which it will never be complete. Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall are to be commended. They are skillful guides and a bridge between two worlds. SPIRIT MEDICINE does what any good book should do: it helps the reader translate words into a living reality, thereby changing one’s life.” — Larry Dossey, M.D., author of `Healing Beyond The Body, Reinventing Medicine and Healing Words’.
Little Ruth Reddingford and the Wolf
Hank has also written a book for children of all ages… “Children will enjoy this lively new rendition of an age-old classic. Little Ruth Reddingford loves visiting her grandmother, so when Grandma can’t pick her up for their week-end picnic, Red takes matters into her own hands. While taking a short-cut through the woods, she is confronted by bullies. The ensuing adventure takes a surprising twist as Red discovers the power of her Native American heritage and makes an unusual new friend.”

Purchase Hank's Final Teachings
Shaman Visionary Circle was an online program that took place from May 2020 to February 2021. It includes 9 months of teachings by Hank Wesselman with guest appearances by Jill Kuykendall and a closing ceremony with Sandra Ingerman. After Hank's passing, there's been a request to access his final teachings and 33 journeys. Find out more about the program and how to access the teachings by clicking below.