For you scholars and fans of scholars…. The term “Millennials”, like “Generation Next”, is in reference to people born in 1981 and beyond. The Millennials are of age now to discover their trends of behavior, attitudes and beliefs, especially about religion. They are discussed in a Feb. 20, 2010 NYT Op-Ed by Charles M. Blow, entitled “Spirit Quest”. The original study and report comes from the Pew Forum. Links are posted below.
I am not a scholar by trade, yet my ‘inner’ scholar steps forward when this kind of study is shared. The information is like a picture in time, since changes will occur as this younger generation gets older. These attitudes, behaviors and beliefs are not necessarily fixed. Yet what interests me are the patterns that emerge from them, often revealing subtler realms of expression, as if from behind the scenes or filling in the gaps. I read them as if listening with my eyes, not adding my opinion or judgement – all too familiar in most cases! So the revealed information of the study prompts more direct revelation at a perceptual level. Later, I can use my conceptual, thinking mind to consider what I have perceived and learned. I find this very enriching, and even more so when I enter into conversation with others.
Consider yourself invited! Aloha