New Years Greetings…with the beginning of 2009, as well as the beginning of a new political administration in Washington DC, we are being regaled by e-mails from our readers and friends, expressing renewed hope and enthusiasm for our future.
In response, we are reminded of the words of Paul Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson from their book ‘The Cultural Creatives’ (2000): “…We should take hope for we are traveling in the company of an enormous number of allies…”
Ray and Anderson revealed eight years ago that the number of people in the Transformational Community then included between 50-70 million people in the US alone, with another 90-100 million in Britain and Europe. These are not small numbers and they have grown considerably.
A New Story for a New Time
In 2004, prior to that presidential election, our beloved Hawaiian elder, Hale Makua, observed that George W. Bush needed to be re-elected in order to complete the current cycle… so that we all would not have to repeat it.
That done, a new cycle can begin now. The time has come to create a new cultural mythos in which we the people must write a new story–one that will redefine who we are as well as who we wish to become. It will be about how we now perceive ourselves and our society, our problems and our strengths, and about what we want for our grandchildren and for the next seven generations.
This means that every thought that we think, every word that we speak, each relationship in which we engage, and every action that we take must be considered in this light… for what we think, speak, feel, and do will be the first step to creating a new world… or not.
Shifting the Anchor
Makua was also fond of saying that this new time will be about where we as individuals and as a culture choose to spiritually drop our anchor. Most of us have been thoroughly anchored in the negative polarity over the last several decades (although we might not think so) and yet when love moves out, fear moves in…
With the onset of the new cycle, the time has come for us to lift anchor– personally as well as collectively–and replant it into the positive polarity. But what does this mean? And how might this affect the quality of our lives at all levels… as well as the quality of our leadership?
Our New Leadership
For the first time in more than 40 years, we in the United States now have an authentically initiated political leader who seems ready to listen and who seems ready to be in service to all of us, not just the powerful and the privileged.
This means that a new level of partnership is available to us… And this means that on the day of Barak Obama’s inauguration, each of us will be inaugurated as well. This implies a new level of personal responsibility… so the word of the year will be ‘implementation.’
In this vein, Makua shared with us three sacred directives that may serve us all as possible guidelines:
Love all that you see… with Humility
Live all that you feel… with Reverence
Know all that you possess… with Self-Discipline
On such a foundation, the new cycle can begin well… and we can indeed create a new and better world.